Allison Merz Paintings & Drawings
PavoniaPixies FoxfacePhobos and DeimosPansebjorneGoldilocksEagle EyeHaruka and MichiruMermistaAntlerheadCash on the Barrel Head, The Judge Said GuiltyCash on the Barrelhead, The Judge Said Guilty, detailCash on the Barrelhead, The Judge Said Guilty, DetailSunday Morning Comin' DownSunday Morning Comin' Down, DetailCrazySunday Morning Comin' Down, DetailCrazy, DetailCrazy, DetailCoat of Many ColorsCoat of Many Colors, DetailCoat of Many Colors, DetailCoat of Many Colors, DetailThe FoundlingThe Foundling DetailThe Foundling, DetailThe Foundling, DetailSugar MountainSugar Mountain, DetailSugar Mountain, DetailDesperadoDeperado, DetailDesperado, DetailJoleneJolene, DetailJolene, Detail
Paintings from "Love in Virgo"